Ginger City USA Proclamation
WHEREAS, The City of Troy embraces its diverse population, and the contributions of its characters; and
WHEREAS, the City equally, and without grudging hesitation, embraces its red head denizens as among some of the most colorful characters in our midst -- both in the hue of their fiery follicles as well as in their soulful personalities; and
WHEREAS, red hair can be found sprouting from the scalps and chins of folks around the globe, regardless of race, nationality or creed; and
WHEREAS only a mere 2 percent of the human population is naturally red haired, yet their gloriously blazing ranks include some of the greatest leaders in our history such as George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Kris Kringle, Lucy Ricardo (née Lucille Esmeralda McGillicuddy), Carol Burnett, Agent Dana Scully, Bozo the Clown, and, of course, Helen of Troy; and
WHEREAS, with their skin so fair and easily pinked by the sun, red heads have been fallaciously believed to be on the verge of extinction; though we all joyously know the contrary; and
WHEREAS, the City of Troy is home to the esteemed international headquarters of The League of Extraordinary Red Heads, whose highly visible gatherings brighten our streets, public houses and retinas; and whose annual autumnal rites include a public Toast of Pumpkin Ale, locally crafted by Brown's Brewing Company; and
WHEREAS, said League embraces the terms "Ginger," "Coppertop" and "Daywalker" with glowing pride and cites them as affectionate and favorable monikers befitting their illuminating personas;
Now, therefore, I, Lou Rosamilia, Mayor of the City of Troy, do hereby proclaim that, on Oct. 1, 2014, our fair city shall also be known on this day as GINGER CITY, USA, a Shangri-La or Brigadoon for red heads around the world to visit and "kick back in," not be kicked.
Signed: Louis A Rosamilia
Date: Oct. 1, 2014
Press Release: Mayor Proclaims: Troy NY is “Ginger City, USA” OCT. 1, 2014
League of Extraordinary Red Heads Summons All Carrot Tops to Upstate City