Red Heads Hall of Fame: Rick Astley
The League of Extraordinary Red Heads held its 10th anniversary “Night of the Walking Red” bash on Oct. 5, 2022 at Ryan's Wake Public House in Troy, NY.
David & Sarah, brother and sister, finally made it to the party. Photo by Neil Grabowsky.
The Knott Family is most extraordinary. Photo by Neil Grabowsky.
Audra, resplendent. Photo by Neil Grabowsky.
“Cinnamon ’n Sugar”
During the “meeting” portion of the evening, LoERH Founder Duncan Crary proposed a new term be added to The Lexicon: “Ginger Emeritus,” for those whose fiery locks have entered the senior phase.
This status may present as “Cinnamon ’n Sugar,” though it is not limited to the condition.
The LoERH Members in attendance voted "Aye" on the new entry.
Bobby, Anthony & Frank are rockin’ the Cinnamon ’n Sugar in their beards. Photo by Neil Grabowsky.
We Got Rickrolled… By Rick Astley
Next, on the agenda was a very special video message from a “VIP Ginger.” Before hitting play, Duncan told the crowd it was a message from Prince Harry that Neil Grabowsky, official LoERH photographer, was able to finagle because the two look so much alike.
“Are they for real?” Photo by Neil Grabowsky.
But then the music video “Never Gonna Give You Up” started to play and the crowd thought Duncan was just having a laugh, by “Rickrolling” the crew.
But then… Globally-Famous “Ginger Emeritus” Pop Star Rick Astley himself rolled into his own video with a special message encouraging The League to “never give up (wink wink) celebrating redheads.”
“Wait til they see this at RPI,” is probably what Norris is thinking here. Photo by Neil Grabowsky.
Actually, you can just watch the whole thing here. We got the whole spectacle on video! (Video by TTL Studios)
After the video, Crary moved to induct Mr. Astley into The League of Extraordinary Red Heads Hall of Fame. The LoERH roared in favor.
(Be sure to watch this excellent documentary, The Legendary Song That Became the Rick Roll | The Story Of, to learn the full story about the story of Rick Astley and his global hit song.)
Duncan is always prepared with mounted posters on foam board. It’s kind of his thing. (Photo by Neil Grabowsky.)
Inge is a journalist who will be reporting back to the Netherlands on these antics. Photo by Neil Grabowsky.
All Reds On Deck
The gingers then headed outside to the deck for a sunset group photo, passing down a corridor adorned with group photos of previous years.
The hallway of gingers. (Photo by Neil Grabowsky.)
One more for the history books! (Photo by Neil Grabowsky.)
Even the setting sun admires Hazel’s hair. Photo by Neil Grabowsky.
Photo by Neil Grabowsky.
Photo by Neil Grabowsky.
Photo by Neil Grabowsky.
Totes adorbs. (Photo by Neil Grabowsky.)
As usual, the photo booth was on fire. (Photo by Neil Grabowsky.)
If this were in the U.K., Leigh would be flashing the Peace sign while Rob’s gesture would be less friendly.
The League of Lilliputian Red Heads held their annual gathering in conjunction with the LoERH this year.
Moar Merch
Though extensively provisioned, the LoERH Merchandise table sold out of items and/or sizes, including the extremely popular hoodies and new colored t-shirts (terracotta red, ginger yellow, indigo blue) beyond the standard black.
The new edition LoERH Lapel pin was also a huge seller.
All of these products are printed or procured by Troy Shirt Co. Custom Printing & Design in Troy, NY and can be ordered online for postal delivery or in-store pickup at Troy Cloth & Paper.
To shop online, visit:
This dude totally stole our Tam O’Shanter from the photo booth.
More Photos
To see even MOAR photos from the event and the photo booth, click here to view the full galleries.
Special Thanks
Thanks to all who attended and to The Brooklyn Brewery and Deep Eddy Vodka and the staff at Ryan’s Wake Public House.
That’s a good lad. (Photo by Neil Grabowsky.)